Samuku Adventures

We are the Leaders of Adventure!

Samuku Adventures is dedicated to providing exceptional diving services tailored to both novice and experienced divers. Our team of certified instructors ensures that each dive is not only safe but also memorable. We offer not just exhilarating diving experiences, but a myriad of other exciting activities that showcase the diverse beauty of this enchanting country.

Kite Surfing

Diving Adventures

Paddle Excursions

Hiking Excursions

Exclusive Accommodation

Yoga sessions

Years of experience
Samuku Adventures

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Feel real adventure and very close to nature

Padlle Excursions

Diving Adventures

Yoga Sessions

Kite Surfing

Hiking Excursions

Boat Rental

diving in morocco

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Our Commitment to the Environment and Community

At Samuku Adventures, we believe in giving back to the environment and community. Join us in our efforts to make a positive impact through the following activities:

Nature Cleaning

Help maintain our environment's splendor.

Animal Care

Assist in caring for animals.

What our Clients Say

Based on 79 reviews
Giulia Ferrari
Giulia Ferrari
This is a wonderful place to enjoy the holiday! A small piece of heaven on the Moroccan Mediterranean Coast. Yurgi and Sami are extremely wonderful hosts. They take care with love and expertise of the place, trees and animals, you’ll love them. You feel immediately at home. They cooked also very tasty meals for us and shared Infos about the area and nice spots. The villa is 10 min by car from the village, where you can find some restaurants and basically everything. If you look for a nice relaxing time in a beautiful place, with the possibility of adventure and some real Moroccan vibes, this is the place to be. You won’t be disappointed, you’ll be happy :) Definitely gonna go back. Thanks again guys!
This is a pearl on the mediterranean coast of Morocco. And two wonderful hosts that will not hestitate to make your holiday as nice as possible. With awesome food, lots of interesting stories and insider-knowledge about the area. In this place you can discover beaches and nature of a very special kind! do it!
Amina Barkouki
Amina Barkouki
Hab hier super Erfahrungen beim Open water diving gemacht. Hatte den Schein innerhalb von 5 Tagen und hab mich immer sehr sicher gefühlt. Ein sehr liebes Ehepaar, die ihr Grundstück wirklich sehr schön pflegen:)) ich freu mich im nächsten Marokko Urlaub kite surfen zu lernen ;)
Mohammad Barkouki
Mohammad Barkouki
ich hab meinen tauchschein hier gemacht, es war eine wundervolle erfahrung, die ich nie vergessen werde. sam ist ein richtiger profi der sehr auf sicherheit achtet, alles ausführlich erklärt und sehr geduldig ist.
Ahmed Merkhi
Ahmed Merkhi
Site magnifique avec piscine propre, naturel, avec des terrasses qui donnent sur une très belle plage avec sable dorée et une forêt de sapins pour amateurs de marches. Les gérants SAMI et YOURGI sont simples et gentils. Seuls la formule de la Bouf est à repenser. Je note 4,8/5.
Vin Cruc
Vin Cruc
Lovely spot !! A villa in the middle of nature a mix of peace and comfort... Great service and instructor for water sports!!! I highly recommend it..
Jaime Ros
Jaime Ros
Comida increíblemente sabrosa. Anfitriones inmejorables y el sitio alucinante. No se si podre esperar un año para volver
Centro de Buceo PACIFIC COAST
Centro de Buceo PACIFIC COAST
Merece mucho la pena pasar unos días en esta familia, y disfrutar de este entorno inigualable. Escapa de la realidad, de lo convencional y sumérgete en el verdadero paraiso morocco style. Gracias chicos! Increíble experiencia!!!!!! Repetiremos!
Rachid Adyel
Rachid Adyel
Un Havre de paix à l'écart de la ville. Une belle propriété avec une piscine, un beau jardin et une forêt autour. Les hôtes Yurgi et Samu sont au petit soins. La nourriture est délicieuse avec des produits frais. On peut faire des activités la journée et se reposer le soir. Mirador exceptionnel en face de la mer. On peut apercevoir Almeria ou Motril et la Sierra Nevada au loin. Vraiment je recommande 🤩
Ali bouimajdil
Ali bouimajdil
Les mots me manquent pour décrire l'alchimie de ce lieu et cinq étoiles ne suffisent pas à lui rendre justice
Based on 11 reviews
Excellent séjour avec tout à proximité très reposant belle piscine belle plageYurgi et Samir que trop accueillant avec une gentillesse à toute épreuve Beaucoup d activités sont proposéesaussi prévoir de rester pour exceller dans celles ci..Rando Plongée Planche Paddle Sky surf ...on reviendra en famille ou avec des amis pour profiter de ces sports en toute saison
Very nice place to stay, specially if you like animals and quite places Sami and his wife are amazing
Had a wonderful time here, and would definitely stay again. Chill vibes overall, a quick walk down to the beach (albeit trash once you get close, but that’s not in their control). Pool was great as well. Very friendly hosts. One quick warning-one of the hosts is a bit of a conspiracy theorist and passionately starting talking about vaccine and 9/11 conspiracies, which was not encouraged by us and was a bit much. The family of the hosts who were in town didn’t seem to be in the best mood, but it wasn’t a big deal. Regardless, these negatives didn’t change the fact our stay was great and the hosts are quite lovely humans. The doggos and donkeys around are great too. A bit of a walk to town if you don’t have a car, but you can do so and it takes a little under an hour (uphill). Overall, our stay was great and was a terrific place to unwind and enjoy. 3 nights was perfect for us.
Nous sommes venus deux jours avec un ami. Le cadre est magnifique , les hôtes sont des personnes incroyables , intéressantes et toujours à l’écoute ! Je recommande a 200% nous n’aurions pas pu imaginer mieux !!
Yurgi und Sami sind freundliche, interessante und sehr hilfsbereite Personen. Sie werden dir bei jedem Problem weiterhelfen. Ich habe mich sehr willkommen gefühlt und würde die Unterkunft an jeden Tier- und Naturliebhaber weiterempfehlen.
Yurgi et Sami savent vous mettre à l’aise et vous faire apprécier leur magnifique environnement.Toujours prévenants et disponibles, ils nous ont conseillé les activités, les visites et les services pour faire de notre séjour une expérience incroyable.
WOW what an incredible experience. I arrived here as a stranger and left with 2 brand-new friends. Sami and Yurgi are truly the best hosts I have ever met. They have a beautiful house on the coast with dogs, organic food, donkeys, a pool, and many excursions to choose from. I went with the intention of just enjoying the beach near the house, but ended up exploring all over Nador. Sami is especially helpful in planning adventures. He has lived in the area his whole life and knows every road in this part of Morocco. I cannot even count how many languages he knows! Yurgi is a sweet and loving soul who I loved talking to about traveling, yoga, spiritualism, and her animals. For me, having Sami and Yurgi allowed me to fully discover Nador, which is a less-known place to tourists. This place has a magic energy to it. I never thought I could find such a wonderful experience in somewhere so remote. Thank you so much for your incredible hospitality, I WILL be back again!
Best departing point to discover the region. Friendly dogs, chill atmosphere, Yurgi and Sami are super friendly and the house is gorgeous, I recommend it.
A MUST for everyone being around Nador. This castle is handmade and full of exciting cultural features beside various relaxing equipment. Entering the wide garden feels like arriving in an oasis after a long journey : everything is green , wonderful trees everywhere, the impressive building with several terraces, the view on the sea - a place to simply calm down and to enjoy a special atmosphere. The swimming pool, but various other areas made us feel like in a relaxing luxury resort in the middle of „nowhere“. This was one of our most comfortable stay we ever had. We also want to highlight the two lovely Charakters behind the scene : Yurgi and Sami are great hosts knowing how to ensure quality time. The exchange with both was exciting and made us feel at home - thank you ! Best regards Romy and Najim
Accueil chaleureuxSite calme et magnifique

Guest Reviews

Read Our TripAdvisor Reviews

Chaimae O
Chaimae O
I can’t praise it enough! I recommend it strongly ! 💪 Wonderful experience, I went there with my friends to do paddle, it was really calming and relaxing. You could feel close to the wild nature of the Lagune. The staff were experienced and attentive aside from being really niiiiice ! Thank you guys can’t wait to come back for more! ♥️
Ranya kounaidi
Ranya kounaidi
Siento estar la madre tierra y yo en un mismo universo En marchica Nador, fuimos con Yurgi y Samy para practicar un nuevo deporte acuático llamado pádel, Yurgi fue nuestra guía, al principio tenía un poco de miedo porque no estoy acostumbrada ha mantener el equilibrio, pero gracias ha sus explicaciones conseguí dominarlo al entrar en el agua estaba en un mundo diferente fuera de lo real, sentía estar yo y la madre tierra solos en un mismo mundo, las aguas eras cristalinas templadas, y en la acuesta del sol es paisaje no se podía describir, era algo alucinante ver el sol amarillo reflejando sus rallos en el agua y escondiendose detrás de las montañas que parecían ser una mujer tumbada, Samy y Yurgi son unas personas deportivas y alucinantes, de mi parte, si queréis aprender algún deporte acuático recomiend o ir a dónde Yurgi y Samy Nador, Marruecos
Nisma K
Nisma K
Guay Paddle fue una experiencia inolvidable, muy divertido, gracias al mejor equipo de Samy. Os lo aconsejo una y otra vez!!
yousef k
yousef k
Samuko aventuras lo mejor Fue súper chulo súper buena la experiencia y además un ambiente súper chulo y salí y yo rugí son súper buenos
Samuku Adventures is the best place to be to have the most wonderful experience of Nador region. Sami and Yurgi are one of the most awsome loving and open minded people I have ever met in my life. Was truly a wonderful adventure and I will definitely do it again next year ❤🤘
Expérience exceptionnelle dans la région ! L'endroit idéal pour profiter de toutes les richesses naturelles qu'offre la côte Méditerranée : plongée, paddle, randonnée, kitesurf, yoga... Situé sur une bande de lagune entre les deux Mers, le cadre est réellement magique, et les hôtes d'une gentillesse et d'un professionnalisme exceptionnel. Je recommande vivement.
Adam F
Adam F
Best place to go There is so much to tell about this incredible place if you are looking for adventures is where you need to go , First Sam and yurgi they will do there best to have a nice journey ,also Sam is an incredible cook and they offer a lot of activities scuba diving ,kite surfing,stand up paddle, Hiking ,yoga there is Always something to do you want get bored .
Endroit magique ! Nous avons passé une journée Paddle très sympathique chez Samuku adventures. Le cadre est magique à Bocana! L'accueil était très chaleureuse. L'encadrement est exceptionnel ( y a pleins d'activités à faire). La bouffe préparée avec soin et générosité. On se sentait comme chez soi! Je recommande vivement et j'y reviendrai sans hésitation. Merci encore une fois 🙏🏼❤.
Doha T
Doha T
Amazing, highly recommended First time but definitely coming back. Yurgi and Sami are very hospitable and friendly, the place is just mesmerizing, and the activities are super fun. Just the right spot for a weekend getaway, enjoying the sun, meeting gorgeous people and savoring great food.
Lo mejor de Marruecos Si estas pensando en viajar a Marruecos y concretamente al Norte: Nador y alrededores, Samuku Adventures es tu mejor opción. Hemos pasado varias semanas con ellos y realmente nos ha sorprendido enormemente su gran calidad humana y profesional. Con ellos hemos hecho SUP Paddle guiado, hiking, excursiones a la increíble naturaleza y entorno de Nador, nos han cocinado algunos de los platos más suculentos que jamás hemos probado. También hemos tenido tiempo para hacer yoga, meditación y hasta una terapia de zumos detox. Con todo ello hemos conseguido el equilibrio perfecto entre el cuerpo y la mente y nos hemos sentido como auténticos Reyes Bereberes!! Estos chicos de Samuku no solo destacan por su labor profesional ( también hacen cursos de buceo, bautismos, Day trips, e incluso cursos de Kitesurf.. ) sino por su gran corazón y excelente atención que proporcionan a todos sus clientes, sin olvidarnos de su inconmensurable trabajo de concienciacion que hacen con el medio ambiente y respeto por los animales. Lo mejor que te puede pasar en Marruecos.. Gracias Samuku Adventures por el viaje perfecto!!
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